Geeks' Corner

Atlanta spent $2.6 million to recover from ransomware
BusyGasper spyware has over a hundred tools at it's disposal to steal data
Cobalt group still active despite losing it's ringleader.
Cryptocurrency community targeted by MacOs malware
FlawedAmmyy RAT being spread by a new malware spam attack
Fortnite scammers spread fake apps on the web
Gandcrab ransomware found in websites.
IcedId and Trickbot trojan operators join forces.
Malware looks like normal Apple files due to Bypass glitch
New KeyPass ransomware discovered
New malware hidden in Images found in GoogleUserContent
Old Dorkbot malware resurfaces
Old malware being used for cryptomining nad ransomware
PageUp malware highlights risks for third parties
Quant Loader trojan spreads by url shortcuts.
Researchers at IBM come up with AI powered malware
SamSam ransomware now targets whole companies.
Sound waves can damage hard drives
WannaCry is in the spotlight again
Wannacry, one year later.
4 ways to disaster-proof your data backups
Amazon S3 Buckets Expose Data
Another US City Pays Ransom After Attack
B0r0nt0K ransomware threatens Linux servers
Bitdefender Releases Universal Decryptor Key for REvil Ransomware
Chaos Ransomware is More of a Wiper
Chrome Flaw is the Culprit of MacOS File Corruption Not Avid
DanaBot Now Incorporates Ransomware
Data protection takes a backseat in the move to the cloud
Every small business needs a backup plan
Florida City Pays $600K Ransomware
Florida School District hit with Ransomware
Garmin Hit By Ransomware
Gold Garden Group Comes Back With REvil Malware
GravityRAT Returns Targeting Android and MacOS Too
Hackers Need Less Than 45 Minutes to Infect PC With Ransomware
Iron Mountain uses UPS and FedEx to transport backup tapes
Lake City Florida Pays $500K Ransom
Linux and Windows PCs Targeted By New Ransomware
Massachusetts City hit with $5 Million Ransom
New malware targeting gamers
New Mongolock ransomware deletes files
No Honor Among Thieves
NSA warns Windows Users to update their computers
Paying Ransomware May Be Illegal
QNAPCrypt Continues to Spread Via Brute Force Attacks
Ransomware Hits Another School in California
Ransomware Shuts Down Knoxville Network
REvil Goes Down Again
REvil Partners Confirms That Leaders Cheated Their Partners
REvil Servers Back Online
REvil Sites Go Dark
RobbinHood ransomware hits Baltimore
Ryuk ransomware hits several major US newspapers
Security Flaw in Microsoft Excel Can Trigger Malware Attack
ThiefQuest Mac Ransomware Also Steals Passwords and Credit Card Information
University of Utah Pays Almost $500K Ransom
WastedLocker Ransomware
Zeppelin Ransomware Returns with New Features

Defining a Class in PHP

An object in programming has two characteristics: state and behavior. The state in an object is stored in variables that are referred to as properties. The behavior in an object consists of functions or methods. In order for an object to be created, there must be a blueprint or definition of the object. This blueprint, in programming, is called a class. In this article, we will discuss what is involved in defining a class. ...

Memory management and the Stack

The OS allocates memory for each process or program for data and code. The memory allocated for each process consists of many parts: the stack holds local variables, the heap holds dynamic memory, the data segment holds global variables, and finally the code segment which holds the code is and read only. Memory management depends on the hardware and the operating system. ...

Variable Scoping in Go

A scope in any programming is a region of the program where a defined variable can exist and beyond that the variable cannot be accessed. There are three places where variables can be declared in Go programming language. The first is local variables which are declared inside a function or a block. The second is global variables which are declared Outside of all functions. The last is parameters which are in the definition of function parameters. In this article, we will discuss what local va ...

Go Variables

A variable is a name given to a storage area that the programs can manipulate. Each variable in Go has a specific type, which determines the size and layout of the variable's memory, the range of values that can be stored within that memory, and the operations that can be applied to the variable. The name of a variable can contain letters, digits, and the underscore character. It must begin with either a letter or an underscore. Upper and lowercase letters are distinct because Go is case-sensit ...