How to select top rows from a table without hard coding the top value

walden systems, geeks corner, programming, languages, developer, sql, datetime, varchar, time, date, rows, table, pivot, top
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Most of the time developers hard code the TOP value when doing a SELECT from a table. They are looking for first few of row as a way to probe data in a table. A lot of times there are valid cases that arrive when you want the top value passed as a parameter instead. For example: Created a simple table table_name as,

1 create
2 table table_name(
3   column_00   int,
4 	column_01 	varchar(30),
5 	column_02 	varchar(40),
6 	column_03  	varchar(12),
7 	column_04  	varchar(30) 
8 );

Once the table is populate with data, you can create sql statements or use this code in stored procedures to retrieve data by supplying the ‘top’ value as a parameter to your queries.

1 declare @top_rows	int
2 set @top_rows = 42
4 select
5 top(@top_rows) 
6 	A.column_00, 
7 	A.column_01
8 from  table_name   A
9 where A.column_02 = ‘search_string’