Sort dictionary

walden systems, geeks corner, programming, languages, Python, scope, local scope, global scope, hoisting, functions, variables, developer, scripting, decrypt, aes256, encrypt, pycrypto, pip, tuple, dictionary, list, threading, multithreading, image, socket, server, ipc, client, time, dictionary, sort, orderddictionary
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.

Sometimes you might need use a dictionary but still be able to sort it by value. There are many ways to accomplish this task and I would like to discuss one of the ways we are using here at Walden Systems, because we believe this is the most straightforward method to sort a dictionary. We will be using the OrderedDict type which keeps items in the order in which they were added.

Strategy to sort a dictionary is fairly simple: First, we need to iterate through the dictionary in sorted order using one of the built in methods. Second, we need to create a new ordered dictionary to store the the sorted items. Third, we need to add items to the new, ordered dictionary in sorted order.

Here are actual code samples:

The first thing you need to do is import the OrderedDict library with the following line

     from collections import OrderedDict

Then you create a blank, OrderedDict with the following line :

     sorted_dict = OrderedDict( )

Then you iterate through a dict in sorted order by value with the following line :

     for l_key, l_value in sorted( p_dict.iteritems( ), key = lambda( key, value ) : ( value, key ) ) :

Finally, you will need add the items one by one into the OrderedDict with the following line :

     sorted_dict[ l_key ] = l_value   

So, this is how a final code for sorting a dictionary :

1 from collections import OrderedDict
3 sorted_dict = OrderedDict( )
4 for l_key, l_value in sorted( p_dict.iteritems( ), key = lambda( key, value ) : ( value, key ) ) :
5     sorted_dit[ l_key ] = l_value