How to call a MySQL stored procedure

walden systems, MySQL, java script, javascript, stored procedures, createconnection, query, connect, npm
a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web.[9] JavaScript enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential part of web applications. The vast majority of websites use it,[10] and all major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute it.

Sometimes you might need to connect to a MySQL database and call a stored procedure. There are many ways to accomplish this task and I would like to discuss one of the ways we are using here at Walden Systems, because we believe this is the most straightforward method to connect to a MySQL database and call a stored procedure.

Strategy to connecting to a MySQL database and calling a stored procedure is straight forward and involves four steps: First, we need to include the mysql module. Second, we need to create a connection using the built in mysql method, createConnection( ). Third, we need to connect to the MySQL database using the built in mysql method, connect( ). Finally, once the MySQL connection is made, we need to call the stored procedure using the built in mysql method query ( ).

First, we need to include the mysql module and include it. If you don't have the mysql module installed, run the following command to install it using npm:

    npm install mysql

Once the mysql module is installed, include it using the following line:

    var mysql = require( 'msql' ) ;

Next, we will create the connection using the following code:

    var con = mysql.createConnection
              host: "HOSTNAME",
              user: "USERNAME",
              password: "PASSWORD"
    ) ;

Third, we will connect to the MySQL database with the following code:

         function ( error )
              if ( error ) 
                   throw error ;
             console.log( "Connected!" ) ;
    ) ;

Finally, we will call the stored procedure with the following code:

         SOME_STORED_PROC_NAME, ( error, rows ) => 
               if ( error )
                    throw error ;
              console.log( 'Data received from Db:
 ' ) ;
              console.log( rows ) ;
    ) ;

When we put the code together, we can connect to the MySQL database and get the results from the stored procedure :

var mysql = require( 'msql' ) ;
    var con = mysql.createConnection
              host: "HOSTNAME",
              user: "USERNAME",
              password: "PASSWORD"
    ) ;
         function ( error )
              if ( error ) 
                   throw error ;
             console.log( "Connected!" ) ;
    ) ;
         SOME_STORED_PROC_NAME, ( error, rows ) => 
               if ( error )
                    throw error ;
              console.log( 'Data received from Db:
 ' ) ;
              console.log( rows ) ;
    ) ;