Cloud is safer when it comes to cyber attacks

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CielView-Server minimizes redundancy in computing resources while allowing users remote desktop access to virtualized user Desktops. CielView-Desktop provides customized solutions to each user in an organization

WannaCry ransomware hit last month and Petya hit a couple of weeks ago; they both took advantages of security issues in older operating systems that allowed them to spread. Yet, in the past few years, no major cloud were affected by this type of attack.

Cloud providers are less likely to be breached because of many reasons; multiple layers of security, pro-active monitoring of activities, and automatically applying security patches behind the scenes. Very few companies have the resources to keep up with their security needs and can't keep up with the ever changing environment. While it is true that the cloud had some outages, but no major cloud provider has been affected by malware attacks in the last few years.